Welcome to my Little Piece of the Web

A    L i t t l e    a b o u t    L a d y c h a t . . . . .       : o )


Welcome to my ongoing attempt at a homepage. *S*
My name is Pat and I live in a little place just outside of the city of Edmonton, Alberta.
I am a 37 year old mom of 2 wonderful children, Ashley-15 and Kyle -11.

I was born in Picton, Ontario and grew up in the village of Petawawa, also in Ontario.
I've lived and visited many of our provinces here in Canada and also have had the experience living in Europe.

Since having a few changes in my life, I've had the opportunity to work in one
of the local high schools as a Supervisor and now have the pleasure of working in the office. Being back in
a high school is alot of fun (most days). *S* I have had the chance
to meet many wonderful and unique individuals since being there!

It's been about 6 years now since I was first introduced to the internet,
though I don't spend lot of time online anymore, I still enjoy surfing,
chatting and making new friends.

I have many interests, some being skating, aerobics,
walking, jogging, and of course.........
"the computer". I enjoy listening to music. dancing and just having fun.


You can page me here and leave and icq message if you like.


A Few pictures Just a few pictures of my family!
They take a little while to load though.


Pat (aka Ladychat)

Somewhere in Alberta

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